What To Do Following an Automobile Accident in Maryland?

Written by Jobeth Bowers. Posted in , , .

My office handles a lot of Maryland and Cecil County automobile accident claims. Through handling these claims, we also work with a lot of injured victims from these accidents. We understand that the moments directly following an automobile collision can be a stressful time, and often times you may not immediately know what to do. While it is unlikely that you are reading this post from the scene of an accident, hopefully you are seeing it not having been in an accident, but will remember some of the tips provided here, or even bookmark this article to reference should the unfortunate instance of an accident occur. You may also contact my office and request a free accident preparedness kit, as well as our new book on buying automobile insurance, all in preparation of something you will hopefully not need to use!

Here are some quick dos and don’ts directly following a Auto Accident:

  • Call the police from the scene-They will likely be able to ensure that insurance information is exchanged, and if anyone is transported in an ambulance they will complete an official report.
  • Call my emergency accident hotline 410-975-7000. We will walk you through the rest of these tips so you don’t forget anything, and we’ll literally handle all of the rest of the process other than your actual medical recovery. Save the 410-975-7000 number in your phone as ‘ACCIDENT ATTORNEY’ just in case.
  • Take photos of everything. Most people have smartphones, with cameras. Why not use them for something useful? Try to take photos of the position of the vehicles, license plates, driver’s licenses and insurance cards of the other driver. You can write down all of this info, but snapping a picture is easier, quicker, and can be more accurate than your handwriting at a nervous and stressful time.
  • If you think you are at fault for the accident, do not admit fault. That’s for the insurance companies and lawyers to work out.
  • You’re likely not an expert in auto accident law, don’t admit to something that may not actually be your fault.
  • Seek the medical care you need. Often times adrenaline may mask some of your pain and injuries at the moment. Signs that you need to get in the ambulance are: airbags deployed, spidered or otherwise cracked windshields, the towing of any vehicle involved, or if you actually are feeling pain right after the accident.
  • Stay in touch with my office. After you’ve called us, and done the other things above. Stay in touch. We’ll monitor your progress in the medical realm, make sure that your vehicle gets repaired, and get you into a rental car. We handle all of this process, so you only have to focus on getting healthy.

These tips are very general, but usually applicable in most auto accident situations. If you have questions about these, before, during or after an accident, do not hesitate to contact my office on the non-emergency line (410) 885-6200. I or a member of my staff are always happy to address any such questions you might have.

Handling Auto Accidents During Inclement Weather

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Jobeth Bowers

Written By Jobeth Bowers

Maryland Attorney Jobeth Bowers is the founder of Bowers Law and a graduate of the University of Baltimore School of Law

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