If you have just been in a motor vehicle accident, you are probably preoccupied with the injuries and damage you sustained. Unfortunately, an insurance company is focused on minimizing the amount they have to pay you after your accident. They will send an insurance adjuster to evaluate your accident and its value.
Despite you paying your insurance company for coverage, they are not necessarily going to act in your best interests. Learn what you need to tell the adjuster, what you should not tell the adjuster, and how a Maryland car accident lawyer from Bowers Law can save you the headaches and communicate with the insurance company for you.
To schedule a free consultation, call or text a personal injury lawyer at Bowers Law at (410) 885-6200. We proudly serve individuals in Cecil County struggling with the aftermath of an auto accident.
Insurance adjusters are individuals who investigate insurance claims to determine if the company should pay for injuries and/or damage. Every accident claim is assigned an adjuster who will:
If the insurance adjuster determines a claim is valid, they decide how much the insurance company will pay the injured person. You do not have to accept the first offer, but it is probable the company will counteroffer if you turn their initial offer down. However, historically, offers made to individuals who do not have competent representation are substantially lower than offers made through experienced and known injury attorneys.
After involvement in a Maryland car accident, victims need to provide their own insurance company with some basic information. To avoid inadvertently sharing too many details which could ultimately hurt your claim, only provide them with information required by law.
Be polite and stick to the facts. Do not lie. If you do not cooperate, this could cause problems down the road. While you do need to speak to your own insurance company after being involved in a Maryland car accident, you do not need to speak with the other driver’s company. You can also refer either company to your attorney who can serve as a go-between. Hiring an attorney will minimize your need to interact with an insurance company whose interests are to make money, not to pay out money. Often times directly adverse to your interest.
It is important to remember that even if the driver’s insurance company’s adjuster sounds caring and friendly, you should be very cautious about what you say to the insurance company. Anything you say can be used against you to undermine your claim. Do not:
Your best course of action is to work with a skilled Maryland personal injury attorney who can advise you, negotiate on your behalf, protect your legal rights, and help you avoid lowball offers for your personal injury claim. Contact our Cecil County office today for free to get insight on the value of your auto accident claim.
While it does not always happen, if you file a claim after a car accident, always assume you are under surveillance. Insurance companies often hire someone to follow you if they suspect you are not being truthful or to try to “catch” you doing something that counters a claim of serious injury. Surveillance typically occurs in three-day periods of time, during the day, and during standard business hours.
After an initial surveillance, there is a good possibility it will occur again. This is legal if the individual watching you remains on public property.
Insurance companies cannot tap your phone, but they can request to see your phone records. They may ask you directly or they may go through court channels.
Your insurance company cannot invade your privacy. However, like with phone calls, they can request to see records. They may be trying to prove you were making a call or a text before the accident.
When assessing damage and determining the value of a claim, adjusters must look at a variety of factors. Items they will look at include damages that are calculable, including property damage, medical bills, lost wages, future medical treatment, and missed days of work.
Adjusters will also consider other not easily calculable factors, such as pain and suffering. To do this, the adjuster uses multipliers. This is complex and looks at numerous specifics pertaining to your situation, such as doctor visits, hospital stays, therapies, etc.
Remember, adjusters are working on behalf of the insurance company, not for auto accident victims. Chances are their decisions will not favor you. If you disagree with the valuation, you can appeal.
Your best option is to contact a personal injury lawyer who is well-versed in Maryland insurance law.
Working with a Maryland car accident lawyer strengthens your ability to wade through the claims process and receive fair compensation in the form of a higher payout. An experienced car accident attorney will handle all aspects of your injury case, including communications with the insurance company.
The knowledgeable Maryland car accident attorneys at Bowers Law know how to handle the aggressive behavior of insurance adjusters. Our law firm is prepared to provide full legal representation and go toe-to-toe with an adjuster who is not looking out for your interest.
Bowers Law proudly serves its clients from Elkton and surrounding Cecil County, along with other areas throughout Maryland. Call or text us today at (410) 885-6200 to schedule a free consultation with our Maryland car accident lawyers. If you prefer, you can also reach us through our convenient online contact form.
Maryland Attorney Jobeth Bowers is the founder of Bowers Law and a graduate of the University of Baltimore School of Law
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