Employment Laws and Wage Theft

Episode by Jobeth Bowers
YouTube video

Exploring Wage Theft and Employee Rights in Maryland and D.C.

Join Accident and Injury Lawyer Jobeth Bowers and renowned Employment Lawyer Bruce Godfrey as they delve into the complexities of wage theft and employee protections in Maryland and Washington, D.C. This enlightening discussion aims to clarify the rights and protections available to employees facing unfair wage practices in their workplaces.

Common Instances and Misconceptions of Wage Theft

Wage theft is an all-too-common issue where employers fail to adequately compensate their employees for the hours worked. This can include not paying for overtime, holidays, and more. Bruce Godfrey brings decades of experience in employment law to highlight typical scenarios where wage theft occurs and what employees might overlook when assessing their paychecks.

Legal Insights and Actions You Can Take

Bruce offers a deep dive into the legal framework surrounding employee rights, focusing on the crucial aspects of wage theft across various industries. The conversation will cover everything from the initial steps employees should take when they suspect wage theft, to the complexities of legal recourse in both Maryland and Washington, D.C. This segment aims to empower workers with the knowledge to protect their earnings and understand the legal pathways available to them.

This comprehensive discussion is not just about identifying problems but also about providing actionable solutions and expert guidance on navigating the challenges of wage theft. Tune in to gain invaluable insights and practical advice from seasoned legal professionals who uphold worker rights.

Jobeth Bowers

Episode By Jobeth Bowers

Maryland Attorney Jobeth Bowers is the founder of Bowers Law and a graduate of the University of Baltimore School of Law

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