Looks like a good year coming up

Written by Jobeth Bowers. Posted in , .

Today I learned something new and great. As you may know, I will be enrolled in the UB Law Clinic program, where under Maryland Rules for admission 16(which apparently is going to change) I will be practicing law through the school, and under the supervision of the public defender’s office. This is different from my internship, as I will actually be taking on a docket of cases 2-3 days/week and pleading cases, trying cases, counseling clients, whatever needs to be done.

I had hoped that I would be able to get lucky enough to take the clinic program again in the spring, chew up 6 more credits and continue practicing 2-3 days/week, but an even better option may be on the horizon. Apparently, as the rule number is changing, so are some of the provisions. It may be possible for me to enroll in an “internship” in the spring, get credit, and actually practice under rule 16(or whatever the number will be moving forward).

This excites me greatly.

Jobeth Bowers

Written By Jobeth Bowers

Maryland Attorney Jobeth Bowers is the founder of Bowers Law and a graduate of the University of Baltimore School of Law

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