Just over 2 weeks (and another year) left!

Written by Jobeth Bowers. Posted in , , .

So last night my wife, who might be counting down to the end of law school more intensely than I, did the math and advised me that as of this Wednesday there are only 2 weeks left in this summer schedule, then a final exam of course.

Although this is exciting, for the time being, I still have 2 fairly full semesters left in my law school career.

Positives: This fall I’m only taking “classes that matter.”

Negatives: It’s still another year of working part-time and parenting part-time.

My classes for the fall include:

Criminal Practice Clinic, which basically means going and being a public defender 2 days/week- Under rule 16 in Maryland I will actually be an attorney within the confines of this program.

Maryland Criminal Practice- If this isn’t an extension of the previous, I don’t know what is.

Trial Advocacy- I already spoke to the professor. There is a book of fact patterns, we break out and do direct and cross examinations, then we critique and move onto the next.

Maryland Civil Procedure- This may not be exciting, but its the backbone of what I do day to day in my real job. Somewhat important.

Advanced Legal Research- I will independently, with an advisor, write a 20-25 page law review type comment. I’ve already begun work on this

I will also take part in the ABA Labor & Employment trial team again.

Should be an incredibly busy schedule, but it sets me up to only need 11 credits in the spring. Since I can get credit for the ABA labor & employment trial team, I may bump the ALR to the spring, and really only need to take 9 classroom credits, but if I do this I will have 2 writing classes to take in the spring. These 2 writing classes are all I have left in my “required courses”

Should be a busy, but rewarding fall…and a somewhat more laid back spring, then….bar prep!

Jobeth Bowers

Written By Jobeth Bowers

Maryland Attorney Jobeth Bowers is the founder of Bowers Law and a graduate of the University of Baltimore School of Law

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