Like most professionals, at least most young to middle aged professionals, I use my phone a lot for work. E-mail, calls, etc. My office is very client centered, so when I leave the office I hit a button that forwards my extension to my cell phone. My wife doesn’t necessarily like it, but for me it works. I also screw around on my phone, and this contributes to killing the battery life quickly.
Usually, by 4pm my iPhone 4s is nearing the 20% battery mark. I charge the phone every night, and for some strange reason, it only works on one charger, plugged into one plug in my house. This prevents me from taking another charger to work, or using one in the car. However, I have a solution that may help solve this problem, as well as other problems.
New cars who are outfitted for satellite radio should be phones, too. Yes- I mean this. In theory, this may sound useless, but I think it would solve a lot of problems. I have an hour or more commute each day. I use my commute to the office to call insurance adjusters, doctors, therapists, etc. I use my evening commute home to call clients and follow up with them. I am always talking calls as the phone rings. If my car was a cell phone, too–and what I means is that I get into the car, pop out my sim from my iPhone and pop it into a slot on the car, I am now making calls that should be clear as the car is outfitted with a satellite antenna, and my phone is off, thus preserving battery life.
Why would anyone do this? Well, I’ve also come up with an interesting safety/public policy reason for this. I must be through 2 years of law school to be looking at things this big picture. However, think about this: there is a HUGE issue in our country, at least in the metropolises, with people texting while driving. My phone has text capabilities. If my car were to be a phone, it wouldn’t. It could have software that automatically shoots back a text that says caller is connected to his car, your text will be delivered when sim is placed back into the phone, or something like that.
I’m sick of dealing with overpriced plans, and overpriced phones for sub-par service. I drop no less than 8 calls per day. My battery is dead by the time I am driving home unless I am lucky. It’s dead by 3 pm if I decide to sling birds at pigs–but here enters the assumption of risk defense.
I pay $28 every month to have a private company come to my curb weekly and take away my trash. I pay $178 every month to have AT&T deliver the trash they call service to my and my wife’s iPhones. I’m sick of it.
P.S. Don’t think this is a direct dig on AT&T. If I thought any other company gave a damn enough to provide solid, decent service, I’d have switched to them months ago.
Maryland Attorney Jobeth Bowers is the founder of Bowers Law and a graduate of the University of Baltimore School of Law
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